Parcels D, E, F

This page presents parcels D, E and F.

  • Parcels D, E, F

Parcel D

5.0 ac (2.02ha)* Approx. 10% treed, with extensive brush. Has areas of longtime undisturbed prairie. Nice rolling terrain with saskatoons, pin and choke cherries.  Distant views to north and south can be mediated by trees. SaskPower transformer is on property line.  Water at curbstop, along with natural gas are near the road turn-around. (*The lot has an additional  .54 ac. area at the east boundary for possible future road extension. Therefore the remaining parcel size will then be 5.0 ac.)  

  • Parcels D, E, F

Parcel E       SOLD

6.56 ac. (2.66 ha) Approx. 75% treed, including stands of mature maple. This was the original homestead yard site. The parcel has quiet, sheltered enclosed areas with meadows. The former home, garage and out buildings were removed. Owners have completed a new home and workshop.

  • Parcels D, E, F

Parcel F

This 6.85 ac. (2.77 ha) parcel is over 90 % treed, mostly poplar, with open patches making a beautiful secluded parcel.  Parcel F has a water line with curbstop and Power is installed. , Natural gas is available from the turn-around to extend.   Other practical energy options include geo-thermal, or propane. There is no geo-tech completed for parcel F as there was no access available at the time for drilling equipment. An entry lane has since been cleared.  Note the graphic to left is of earlier plan having somewhat larger  F and E parcel sizes.